Thursday, October 18, 2012

36 Weeks Pregnant

For week 36, symptoms are pretty much the same as week 35. I have been having A LOT of acid reflux, and it is so uncomfortable! I find that chewing ANY kind of gum relieves my acid reflux. I'd recommend it if you have it also, it really does work! As well as acid reflux, I've been having a lot of lower back pain, but we finally bought a yoga ball, yay! The yoga ball definitely helps, as soon as I sit on it and rock back and forth, or even side to side, my back feels so much better! 

I had a lot of sciatic nerve pain in week 36. It feels like a sharp stabbing pain, and it is SO painful, it makes it hard to even stand. I have been waking up more in the middle of the night to pee also. I feel like I've been waking up every 2 hours! I try to look at the time when I do wake up, but sometimes I am just too tired. 


Danny and I went to the doctor's office this week, just like we do every week now, and I was a fingertip dilated, which is less than a centimeter dilated! I knew those Braxton Hicks weren't happening for nothing! It was kind of painful when he was checking for dilation, but it wasn't too bad, just something I wasn't used to. 

Thanks again to everyone who is following and supporting me, you are all awesome! <3 

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