My baby girl is quite the little character. She started saying her "da-da-da's" when she was 5 months old, and her "na-na-na's" when she was 6 months. She's been making lots of squeaky noises, as well as growls. She is the silliest baby I've ever met. She is ALWAYS happy, always smiling, and always laughing. We are so blessed with such a wonderful baby. She is perfect.
I am still nursing, and plan to until Rylee is a year old. We feed her baby food once a day, and she gets little baby cereal snacks occasionally. Other than that, she is breast fed. We are still co sleeping, and if anyone wants to know more about that, there are some pretty good articles on Google about it! I may write another post about it in the near future, and why we choose to co sleep. However, we are slowly trying to ween Rylee from co sleeping so she can learn to sleep alone, we don't want to just let her "cry it out" because we don't agree with that.

After I had Rylee, I had a major sweet tooth. I ate sugar every single day! Red velvet cupcakes, candy, ice cream, you name it. Kicking that habit was the hardest. I was working out and seeing no results. Because the key to losing weight, is mostly eating healthy! I post my progress photos on Instagram @libertyyweaver if you're interested!
Oh, another thing I should probably mention, we are now living in Mammoth Lakes, California. Such a beautiful place, I've missed it here! I am in school for makeup, and Danny is studying web development. He's doing great! We both are. I just got a job here and Trendy Tots, and I start at the end of June. We are currently saving up to move to L.A. We will both find great job opportunities there. That is all for now. Thanks for all the support. <3